Response to climate change
- Minimize Greenhouse gas emissions
- Cooperates with public sector
Eco-friendly products
- Proactive response to environmental regulations
- Reduce environmental burden in developing and manufacturing products
- strengthen eco-friendliness of supply chain products
Recycling of resources
- improve waste recycling/reuse capabilities
- Human resources development
- Respect for human rights and equal opportunities
- Safe work environment
- diversity and inclusiveness
Supply chain
- Shared growth
Social contribution
- Donation, volunteer activities
- support vulnerable children and young people
Law abiding spirit/ethics management
Transparent governance structure
- Improve transparency in management
- Increase corporate value
- Secure trust in the investment market
- strengthen profesionalism
Sustainable management + happiness of stakeholders
◆ Response to climate change
· Systematic climate change response creates a healthy planet
- To reduce direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions generated during the manufacturing process, we apply greenhouse gas reduction technology, improve energy consumption efficiency and expand the use of renewable energy.
- Manage contaminants and noise from the manufacturing process
- Actively cooperate with the government's carbon reduction policy to contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy.
◆ Eco-friendly products
· We prioritize the eco-friendly environment in the entire production process.
- Proactively respond to strengthening environmental regulations, build systems that produce materials that do not contain hazardous substances, and ensure eco-friendly products by checking out whether hazardous substances are included or not in materials and processes during the final shipment process.
- work with our partners to strengthen the eco-friendliness of supply chain products
◆ Recycling of resources
· Make efforts to realize a sustainable and circular economy
- Increase recycling capabilities and reduce and manage waste generation throughout the product's lifecycle
- Reduce water use efficiency and wastewater emissions through water and wastewater management efficiency.
- Improves the company-wide separation management system to thoroughly separate and discharge household waste such as vinyl, plastic, transparent PET, and paper from the premises to improve recycling rates.
◆ Member - Human resources development
- We strive to select diverse talents with high capabilities and potential, and nurture them to demonstrate creative abilities within the organization so that they can grow together with members in a rapidly changing management environment.
◆ Member - Respect human rights
- We strive to prevent human rights abuses, foster a culture of human rights protection, and balance opportunities
◆ Member - Safe work environment
- To maintain a safe working environment, safety checks and risks for workplaces and hardware are identified and eliminated. We identify the root causes of accidents and prepare and implement prevention measures.
◆ Member - Diversity and inclusiveness
- Create a creative and inclusive corporate culture where diversity and inclusion members are recognized for diversity and are free to expand their abilities.
- We strive to minimize various conflict factors such as gender, generation, religion, political beliefs, pregnancy & birth, nationality, disability, etc.
◆ Supply chain
- We strive to create a fair trade culture so that everyone can grow together, and we create a win-win cooperation system that strengthens the Korean industrial reel ecosystem by increasing the competitiveness of our partners in the industry.
◆ Social contribution
- We carry out various social contribution missions and sharing activities such as donations and outreach activities, vulnerable children, and youth talent development activities to win-win and grow with the community.
◆ Law abiding spirit/ethics management
- Recognizing that law abiding sprit/ethical management is an essential business philosophy for sustainable growth, we strive to establish a system for law abiding/ethical management practices so that a leading law abiding/ethical management culture can be established.
◆ Transparent tax policy
- We strive to comply with tax regulations and fulfill our social obligations. We carry out transparent tax policy through principles of faith, transparency, honest transactions, and forward-thinking cooperation with tax authorities
◆ Transparent governance
- Recognizing that independent and transparent governance is the basis for long-term corporate value and the happiness of stakeholders, we are committed to establishing better governance.